Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096

Class 2 Curriculum



The reception children will continue to develop their phonic knowledge through daily ‘Read Write Inc’ sessions. Some of the reception children will be moving on to learn their set 2 sounds.

Please ensure that you are reading with your child at least 5 times weekly at home. This is so important to help them with their learning in school and help them to make progress. This half term, the children will be completing the reading tracker which tracks how many times they have read each week. If they have read 5 times a week by the half term holiday then they will receive a badge and will be recognised for their effort in assembly. 


The reception children will be continuing their English journey with the story of ‘Jasper’s Beanstalk’ by Nick Butterworth. We will teach this writing topic using the Talk4Writing approach. During this process, the children will explore the story in detail, creating story maps to help them recall and recite the story using words and actions. They will be encouraged to develop their vocabulary to make changes to the story to create their own version. Lots of spelling practise of the days of the week would help in this unit. Remember, the names of the days of the week are proper nouns and must start with a capital letter. 



During their mastering number lessons this half term, the reception children will be looking at:

  • Cardinal numbers - ensuring the children are aware of what the last number is when they are counting and the number they stop on
  • Counting beyond the number 20
  • Comparing quantities
  • Composition of numbers up to 10 

Outdoor Learning

In Class 2, we will partake in a weekly Learning Outside the Classroom (LOtC) activity during our 'Forest Friday' session. The children will experince a wealth of activities linked to all of their subjects. Watch out for photos on Twitter and on our webpage.

Knowledge Organisers

Our knowledge organisers summarise the learning that will take place.  They include the key knowledge and vocabulary that we want our pupils to learn by the end of Reception. Each half term a newsletter will be sent out with more information on your child's learning for that half term. 


EYFS Knowledge Organiser - Reading

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - Writing

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - Maths

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - Computing (UtW)

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - Geography (UtW)

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - Science (UtW)

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - History (UtW) 

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - Music (EAD)

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - PE (PD)

EYFS Knowledge Organiser - R.E 


Early Years – Rufforth Primary School

Year 1


The  year 1 children will continue to develop their phonic knowledge through daily ‘Read Write Inc’ sessions. 

Please ensure that you are reading with your child at least 5 times weekly at home. This is so important to help them with their learning in school and help them to make progress. This half term, the children will be completing the reading tracker which tracks how many times they have read each week. If they have read 5 times a week by the half term holiday then they will receive a badge and will be recognised for their effort in assembly. 


The year 1 children will be focusing on creating non-chronological reports about animals. We will continue to focus on using capital letters, finger spaces, full stops and the -ed suffix for past tense. We will concentrate on using capital letters for proper nouns and adjectives.


This term the year 1 children will be looking at adding and subtracting within 20. They will be:

  • Adding by counting on within 20.
  • Adding using their number bonds.
  • Finding doubles.
  • Subtracting by counting back.
  • Subtracting to find the difference.

The year 1 children will also be looking at place value within 50. They will be:

  • Counting from 20 to 50.
  • Counting by making groups of tens.
  • Looking at groups of tens and ones.
  • Partitioning numbers into tens and ones.
  • Exploring the number line to 50.
  • Estimating on a number line to 50.
  • Finding 1 more and 1 less.

In Science and Geography, we will be looking at living things within our environment. We will also begin looking at maps, exploring how our school looks on a map and spotting key features in our area.  In RE, we will carry on  learning about different celebrations within a range of religions. In Computing, we will be exploring coding using the code-a-pillars. In PE, we will be exploring balls skills! Within this, the children will be working on their, throwing, catching and coordination. In Art, we will be looking at sketching and painting using shape to create different spring flowers.

Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
