Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096


Class 4 Curriculum


(The addition and subtraction parent guide can be downloaded by clicking here)



Next term in English we will be learning and writing our own versions of the story ‘Grandad’s Island’.

We will be using this story as inspiration for a range of genres of writing including their own stories, postcards and information texts.

We are learning to use the following features in our independent writing: inverted commas to show when a character is speaking; conjunctions like ‘and’, ‘but’ and ‘because’ to join ideas; and expanded noun phrases for description e.g. the jolly man with curly hair.

 Grandad's Island: Benji Davies

Our maths lessons will focus on measure and shape. In the measure unit we will measure and compare length and height using a range of measuring tools including rulers and tape measures. Our shape learning will focus on the language of position and direction.

Class 3 Y2s would benefit from practising adding and taking away numbers up to 50 e.g. 43 and 23 by adding or taking the tens then the ones.  43 + 23 becomes 43 + 20 + 3.

 KS1 Times Tables Value Set

In our theme lessons next half term, we will be using our history skills to learn about transport and how it has changed over time. We will make comparisons between boats, trains and aeroplanes that exist within the children’s living memory and those that have existed before. We are looking forward to visiting the Transport Museum in Manchester to further our learning.

History of transportation

This term in outdoor PE, we will develop our hand eye coordination skills through learning tri-golf. Tri-golf is a golf game played with smaller clubs and balls, and often on a smaller course, making it more accessible for children to learn and play. Indoor lessons will be dance based. We will apply our theme of transport to inspire our own

Tri Golf Junior Coaching kit set for teaching children golf games fun pack

In science, we will be learning about plants and trees. We will learn about the parts of a plant and understand that the word flower specifically refers to a part of a flower rather than the whole thing. We will learn to identify and name a variety of common wild and garden plants, including deciduous and evergreen trees.

 KS1 Science - Plants - BBC Teach

In art, we will be looking at how digital media can be used using applications such as Tux Paint.

 Tux Paint - Screenshots

In DT, we will be designing and creating our moving vehicle using mechanisms to propel them.  

 boat - Kids | Britannica Kids | Homework Help

In RE lessons we’ll be asking the question ‘How do we care for others in the world and why does it matter?’ and will learn how the religions of Christianity and Judaism might respond to this.

 Caring For Others Lessons | KS1 Religious Education - Twinkl

Our music unit is all about improvisation: an exciting activity where everyone is creating something new. We will learn to improvise melodies and rhythms independently and in groups.

 Start Glock 25-Note (PP920)

This term’s PSHE unit is called ‘Being My Best’ which is all about keeping healthy, using a Growth Mindset and achieving goals. Furthermore, we will be watching an online video 'Speak out Stay Safe'. Look out for the letter to parents and carers.

School Learning Zone - Healthy Me




Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
