500 Words Competition
Well done to Mehek, who has been announced as the overall WINNER of the 500 words competition!!!
Well done to all of the children who submitted a story for the 500 words competition! All of the stories were fantastic, and each child has received a certificate of merit for their entry.
A very big well done to Mehek; her story has been commended and has made it through to the final round of the competition!
We hope that you enjoy reading our entries!
Virtual Author Visits- Summer Term
This term all of our children received a virtual author visit. We were visited by: Liz Cronshaw and Gemma Sanchez (EYFS/KS1), Paul Howard (LKS2) and David O'Doherty (UKS2).
The children thoroughly enjoyed their virtual visits where they got to: listen to stories, learn more about how to become an author and learn about the story writing process!
World Book Day- Friday 5th March 2021
Dear Parents/Carers,
To celebrate World Book Day at Highfield, there are a range of activities and events to help promote a love of reading. This year we have adapted our celebrations to ensure that all children can take part in the day, whether they are learning at home or at school.
1) Potato Book Character Challenge
To join in with this challenge, children need to decorate a potato as a book character.
2) Shoe Box Book Scene
To join in with his challenge, children need to recreate a scene from one of their favourite books in a shoe box lid (other boxes can be used too!)
We would love to see all of your World Book Day creations and celebrations. Please can you email any pictures to your child’s class teacher.
More information about World Book Day can be found at-
Here you will find a range of World Book day activities, including: author workshops, illustrator workshops and free audio books.
500 Words writing competition
We are very excited that we have been invited to take part in Trafford’s 500 Words writing competition!
In order to take part, you need to write a story that is:
● fictional
● typed
● 500 words or less
Your piece of writing must use this picture as the starting point for your story-
All entries need to be emailed to your class teacher by Friday 12th March 2021.
Winning stories will be selected by English experts from Trafford and English experts from Manchester University and Salford University. Prizes include: kindles, books, book vouchers and funds for school libraries. All commended pieces will be put into an anthology. We will also celebrate our entries within school with certificates and prizes.
We are hoping that as many children can take part as possible as it is a wonderful opportunity for us to celebrate the fantastic authors we have at Highfield!
If you have any questions about the competition, please don’t hesitate to ask.
National Storytelling Week 2021
Monday 1st - Friday 5th February
This week we are celebrating National Storytelling Week! Throughout the week, children will take part in a range of storytelling activities and will receive lots of opportunities to enjoy listening to stories!
Make sure that you check this page at 6:00 pm every night to watch a member of the Highfield team share their favourite stories with you!
Day 5
Day 4
Day 3
Day 2
Day 1
Summer Reading Challenge!
It's time for the Summer Reading Challenge! This year's theme is 'Silly Squad'- celebrating funny books, happiness and laughter.
The event is online this year, meaning that you will be able to download eBooks and audio eBooks free of charge from Trafford Libraries in order to complete the challenge.
Each year we are extremely proud of the efforts from our children when completing the
challenge. When the challenge is completed children will receive a certificate. Children can
bring their certificates into school upon their return in September. Alternatively, certificates
can be emailed to:
National Writing Day
Wednesday 24th June is National Writing Day. To celebrate National Writing Day we would like you to take part in a 24/7 writing challenge.
The challenge has 3 simple rules:
1) Write a story or poem in 24 words.
2) Start your story or poem with the words 'One day'.
3) Write your story or poem in 7 minutes.
Please send your completed stories to your class email. We are looking forward to reading your 24/7 stories!
World Book Day
To celebrate World Book Day all children and staff came to school dressed as their favourite book characters. During our special World Book Day assembly Mr Daly read the school a chapter from one of his favourite books- 'The Boy in a Dress' by David Walliams.
Prizes were awarded to Edward, Amelia, Prabhjot, Angadeep and Finton for their 'shelfie' competition photographs. We would like to say a big well done to everyone who entered!
National Storytelling Week
Monday 3rd- Friday 7th February 2020
As you know, we are passionate about stories and reading at Highfield. During National Storytelling Week we carried out the following engaging events:
Mystery Storyteller- Teachers swapped classes for a story session so that each class were read a story from a teacher they are not normally taught by.
Drop Everything and Read- Throughout the week a buzzer sounded across the school, this signaled to everyone that it was time to stop whatever they were doing to spend some time enjoying reading their book!
Parent and Carer Drop Ins- Parents and carers were invited to join us and experience part of our daily story sessions. This was particularly popular in our infant classes.
Read Write Inc Parents Morning
In response to feedback from parents asking for more information regarding supporting their child's learning of phonics, reading and writing, we were happy to be able to offer two drop in sessions to Read Write Inc lessons at Highfield.
This was a chance for parents to observe Mrs Sweeney, Ms Plant, Mrs Ladley & Miss Wimperis delivering a daily phonics session. This was to show parents how to teach 'pure' sounds and hear the children orally blend and segment. There was then an opportunity to join in with physical literacy activities in the hall after the session led by Miss Parkar.
Spooky Stories in the Library
This year we held a 'Spooky Stories in the Library' event on Thursday 31st October. Children from Reception to Year 6 were invited to come in to the school library along with their parents and carers from 8:00 until 8:35 am. Yummy breakfast snacks were served. The event was busy with children listening to spooky stories read by a spooky skeleton! We have had lots of positive feedback from the event as we continue to promote reading throughout Highfield.