Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096

SMSC & British Values at Highfield

At Highfield we strive to embed the teaching of British Values and SMSC within everyday school life. 

To further enhance this we use a resource called 'Picture News'. 

'Picture News' provides a great stimulus to grip children's attention to be involved in current affairs. We hope that by using these exciting resources, our children will develop their own drive and passion to find out more about the world around them. Here is an example of a weekly discussion.

Each week's discussion links to a strand of 'British  Values'. 

Here is an example...

In addition to this, there is a weekly child friendly news paper, to further support children in keeping up to date in current affairs. 

Look out for receiving the news paper on 'Parent mail'.  


Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural Development 

All publicly-funded schools are required by law to teach a broad and balanced curriculum which promotes the spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils and prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities & experiences of life.

At Highfield Primary School we recognise that SMSC development plays a significant part in our pupils' ability to learn and achieve. We therefore aim to provide an education that provides opportunities to explore and develop:

  • values, beliefs and spiritual awareness;
  • high standards of personal behaviour;
  • a positive, caring attitude towards other people;
  • an understanding of their own social and cultural traditions;
  • an appreciation of the diversity and richness of other cultures.

Our mission statement of C.A.R.E and mantra 'Ready, Respectful, Safe' reflects these aims and aspires to instil qualities such as thoughtfulness, honesty, independence and respect in all our pupils to prepare them for their future lives as responsible citizens.

All curriculum areas, but particularly PSHE and RE, contribute towards SMSC.

British Values

At Highfield, we ensure that the fundamental British Values are introduced, discussed and lived out through the ethos and work of the school. All curriculum areas and in particular RE and PSHE lessons provide opportunities to deepen and develop understanding.

We take very seriously our responsibility to prepare our children for life in modern Britain. We value the ethnic backgrounds of all pupils and families and undertake a variety of events and lessons to celebrate and explore these alongside other cultures and traditions in our country.


What are British values?


 British values are:

  • democracy; 
  • the rule of law; 
  • individual liberty; 
  • mutual respect for and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs and for those without faith


You can download our British Values Statement here.

Prevent Strategy

All schools in England have a legal duty to prevent pupils from being radicalised. 

Prevent is part of CONTEST, the Government’s strategy to address terrorism. The main aim of Prevent is to stop people becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Prevent focuses on all forms of terrorist threats e.g. international terrorism, far right extremists (among others).

Further Government’s information and guidance can be found here 

At Highfield we aim to safeguard all our children from any harm, including that posed by terrorism. We promote diversity and respect. We encourage our children to engage in debates within a safe environment and involve them in decision making, for instance the School Council. Through PSHE lessons, our pupils explore their own and other's values.

Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
