Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096

New Starters September 2024



A positive transition into ‘big’ school is our priority,  we want children to feel happy and enjoy coming into school each day. More information will be given nearer the time regarding everything you need to know for starting school here at Highfield. We are delighted that you have chosen our school and are excited to meet your child/ren.


Arrangements for starting school.

Wednesday 4th September – Friday 6th September
Children attend school for mornings only from 8:30 am until 11:30 am
Monday 9th September and Tuesday 10th September.
Children attend for the morning and stay for lunch and should be collected from school at 1:15 pm.
Wednesday 11th September
Children start school full time - 8.30am - 3.00pm

In September children enter school via the infant door from the playground and are to be collected from
classroom doors which open onto the school field. Parents need to walk around the school building to access the
back of the classrooms.

We look forward to meeting you soon.

Our Classroom 

Below you will find images and a video to show you what our classroom looks like! 


Please click on link below to access information about Nursery.

Nursery booklet

Letters have been sent informing parents / carers of visits and start dates for September 2023. 

FULL TIME children - If you have not done so already please can we ask you to return the form with your 30 hour code. We need to be in receipt of this by Monday 10th July. Please click on the following link to apply for 30 hour funding.



To view photographs of the nursery environment  and welcome video please click on Nursery tab under Classes and 'Meet your teacher'.









Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
