Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096

LKS2 trip to Dewa Roman Experience!

Classes 5J, 6B and 7P were very excited on Tuesday 17th March as they set off on a coach to Chester. It took us about an hour to get there and when we arrived, we headed straight to the museum. The guides were dressed up as real Romans which helped to make it very real. Each class was taking part in a Roman soldier patrol and visiting the museum.

In the museum, we first sailed on a ship to Britain and entered the Roman fort. Inside we were taken around several shops such as the armoury, the bakery and the doctors. We found out that when a Roman soldier had broken his leg, the Roman doctors wrapped the leg in goat poo!! Urgh!! We also learned that children ate honey roasted dormice for a sweet!! However the most disgusting thing we learned by far was in the Roman bathhouse. The Romans had slaves who rubbed their bodies with oil and then used a metal hook to scrape off the dirt before getting into the baths. They had three types of bath - a hot bath (caldarium), a warm bath (tepidarium) and a cold bath (frigidarium). Our guides told us that the Romans all went to the toilet together and used a special stick with a sponge to wipe their bottoms - the same stick!!!

On the Roman soldier patrol, we marched through Chester to the ampitheatre where we were taught how to use our shields as a weapon. The middle part of the shield was made out of metal and is called the 'boss'. Roman soldiers took a step forward, twisted, punched and then stepped back.

Then we practised marching in a testudo formation - this was where the Romans lifted their shields above their heads to protect themselves from flying arrows. It was a very effective method and ensured the Roman army were one of the best fighting machines at the time. On our way back to the museum, we were taught how to chant in Latin: 'sin, sin, sin, dex, sin' which means 'left, left, left, right, left'.

Everyone had a fantastic time and we learned lots of facts to help us with our theme! We would love to visit Dewa again and would highly recommend the trip!

On February 5th, Highfield hosted its first  Harry Potter Night for approximately 40 Junior children. There were lots of activities to take part in, all linked to the Harry Potter theme for instance there was Golden Snitch origami, Marauder’s Map decorating, wand making, Potions class, chocolate frog making, Care of Magical Creatures class and wizard’s pouch craft. You could also have your picture taken from Azkaban, the wizard jail. Everyone had a fantastic time,  including the parents who helped out – Thank You!!  

Classes 1 & 2 Visit to Knowsley Safari Park!

On Wednesday morning the teachers of classes 1 and 2 had lots of very excitable children. We eagerly set off on a coach to Knowsley. Over the course of the day we had a tour around the Safari Park, watched a thrilling sea lion show with Biffo and Arthur. Visited a safari classroom where we had a meet and great with some unusual animals, visited/feed the meerkats and giraffes.

The day was thoroughly enjoyed by all and class teachers would like to thank the children and parent helpers for a fantastic day.

Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
