Highfield Primary School

Consideration Aspiration Responsibility Enjoyment

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA


0161 748 6096

Diversity week!

From 7th - 14th March, Highfield celebrated its first Diversity Week which was met with roaring approval from pupils, staff and parents. Each day, classes explored a different diversity theme and some very special guest speakers and visitors were arranged!

Holding a Diversity Week promotes ‘spiritual, moral, social and cultural development’ as outlined in our curriculum and the Ofsted framework. It also addresses and challenges bullying.

Ofsted and the Department for Education want primary schools to ‘tackle all forms of bullying – this includes cyber-bullying and prejudice based bullying related to special educational need, sexual orientation, sex, race, religion and belief, gender reassignment or disability.

Our week looked like this:

Monday 7th March - Different Families, same love

Tuesday 8th March - Gender

Wednesday 9th March - Religion

Thursday 10th March - Race and Culture

Friday 11th March - Disability

Monday 14th March - Bullying, including Cyber bullying

                                - Production of ‘Happily Ever After’ for Y5 & 6

Mrs Murray also served different food from around the world each day too!


Having a different theme every day enabled us to explore how the world is so diverse. We also focussed on acceptable/unacceptable language, bullying and how we should accept everybody, respect them and celebrate our difference.

Difference is amazing so let’s celebrate it!

Monday 7th March

Different Families, same love

Tuesday 8th March


Wednesday 9th March


Thank you to all our special visitors who gave up their time on  Wednesday!

Rev Karen spoke to EYFS and KS1 classes about Christianity, Mrs Landa came to speak to Classes 2 & 4 about being a Sikh, Mr Sharma spoke to UKS2 about Hinduism and Mrs Wormstone spoke to LKS2 about being a Catholic.

Throughout the week, Mrs Murray 'flew' the lunch hall to various countries around the world. We visited France, Italy, England, Jamaica and Mexico!

Thursday 10th March

Race and Culture

Lots of classes used their PE lessons throughout the week to explore physical disability and how this affects playing sports.

We were also incredibly lucky to have Lauren and her guide dog visit Reception and KS1 classes, Minna & Marcie visited LKS2 and shared what it is like to be deaf, and Mencap ran a disability workshop for UKS2.

Friday 11th March


Monday 14th March

Bullying, including Cyber bullying

Production of ‘Happily Ever After’

To celebrate our extended week of learning about Diversity, parents were invited into classrooms at the end of the day on Monday 14th to see some of the work completed.

Contact Us

Bridgenorth Avenue, Urmston, Manchester, M41 9PA

0161 748 6096
